LocationCon 2017
Download my slides from LocationCon in Oakland, CA 5/24/2017 at the link below. Workflow and Design of an Emergency Flood Response Mapbook [360MB] More content to come…
Quick and Easy Custom Google Earth Legends

Here’s a system to rapidly create nice looking Google Earth legends. I’m going to start assuming an already existing kml and known legend items. The data in this example was compiled and converted to Google Earth in ArcMap using the native conversion tools. The legend is initially composed in ArcMap and copy/pasted into illustrator. I’m […]
NACIS 2016

Here’s the video of the presentation with slide/content from my original post below. Thanks to NACIS and the PCD coordinators for recording & processing the video and facilitating all the presentations. I presented a workflow using ArcMap, Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign this year at NACIS. Below is each slide image and video I used in my […]
Mitigating a broken Normal.mxt
For whatever reason, I’m constantly corrupting my Normal.mxt which causes ArcMap to crash before launching. The remedy is to delete the Normal.mxt at: C:\Users\*USER*\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.3\ArcMap\Templates\Normal.mxt which takes with it all my customization settings, the way my toolbars are set up in the interface and all the custom keyboard settings I have. The last time this happened, […]