Symbol on line in arcmap

Yesterday, I needed to add an arrow onto the middle of a line, perpendicular to that line. In ArcMap, this can’t be done with line decorations but it can be done via the line labels. I can’t really show what I was working on but the idea is shown below. To set this up, turn […]
Labeling photo bearings

The problem – portray photo point locations, the compass bearing on which the picture was taken, and label the photo ID. The tools – ArcMap 10.1 and maplex. This turned out to be a fun challenge. The data used here are field collected photo points with attributes for photo ID and photo bearing in the […]
ArcMap leader tolerance illustrated

One concept in ArcMap that took forever to stick in my head was setting up leader tolerance for dynamic labels. It’s hard to connect the two conceptually because the settings directly correspond but are about a dozen mouse-clicks apart in the UI. I’m on ArcMap 10.1, using maplex in this demo. To add a leader […]
MOD function for contours

Say you have 1’ or 5’ contours with an elevation field. Instead of calculating a new field or making selections, you can use the mod function. I find it extremely useful. In the definition query tab of your layer properties: mod(“Contour”,25)=0 The mod expression above divides the Contour value by 25 and throws out any […]
Map Typography – Route Station Labels in ArcMap

Setting up labels for stationing in ArcMap can be a little tricky. First, you’ve got to have a route – if your line isn’t a route, use either the Route Editing toolbar or the Linear Referencing tools to turn it into a route. The first step in creating the stationing ticks and labels is to […]