Mitigating a broken Normal.mxt
For whatever reason, I’m constantly corrupting my Normal.mxt which causes ArcMap to crash before launching. The remedy is to delete the Normal.mxt at: C:\Users\*USER*\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.3\ArcMap\Templates\Normal.mxt which takes with it all my customization settings, the way my toolbars are set up in the interface and all the custom keyboard settings I have. The last time this happened, […]
My ArcMap keyboard shortcuts
These are the keyboard shortcuts I use to make ArcMap a little more illustrator-like. I think learning keyboard shortcuts is crucial to becoming more efficient and once you get in the habit and practice/force yourself to use them, it will pay dividends in productivity. To set them up, in ArcMap, go to Customize>Customize Mode and […]
Export map layers to gdb with python
Here’s a quick one. I have used this script many times as part of a data inventory workflow. It’s also been handy to start project databases with data from a variety of sources – so I can pluck data out of my source GIS databases into specific project databases. When used in conjunction with some […]
Batch export mxds in a folder

Below is python to export all mxd’s in a given directory. I use this very often in my current workflow. This is used when data driven pages is either not appropriate or does not adhere to workflow standards. We need individual mxd’s for each map and each version of each map, individual maps can’t be […]
Building a logo with arcmap

Here’s how I built a logo for my presentation at NACIS last year using only arcmap! I wanted to demonstrate that design can be done in ArcMap, this was my inspiration to design an arbitrary logo, my cheapo nylon yamaha, which I love the rosette on: Here’s a video of the process: And here’s a […]