NACIS 2016

Here’s the video of the presentation with slide/content from my original post below. Thanks to NACIS and the PCD coordinators for recording & processing the video and facilitating all the presentations. I presented a workflow using ArcMap, Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign this year at NACIS. Below is each slide image and video I used in my […]
Export map layers to gdb with python
Here’s a quick one. I have used this script many times as part of a data inventory workflow. It’s also been handy to start project databases with data from a variety of sources – so I can pluck data out of my source GIS databases into specific project databases. When used in conjunction with some […]
Export MXDs in all subdirectories

This is an answer to the question in my post on batch exporting mxd’s in a folder. James asked about exporting all mxds in all subdirectories of a root folder. Thanks James for distracting me from my work this afternoon to solve this :). Below is the code to accomplish this. The first loop populates […]
A Batch Download Workflow

I’ve used this hack/technique a couple times now and wanted to share it and document it. I was recently doing some web research on map production guidelines as I’m trying to put some together for my GIS department. I stumbled across this Map productions guidelines PDF from the Australian Local Government. It is a really […]