TV typography in ArcMap – The Walking Dead

Here I’ll show you how to create typography similar to walking dead’s title scenes. Here’s what the typography in the title scenes for walking dead looks like. Here’s what you can do in ArcMap. This is possible with the use of formatting tags. If you want to try this yourself, go over to and […]
Hyperlinks to local docs – ArcMap and Google Earth

As you should know google earth pro is now free. Yesterday, I set up a kml with hyperlinks to local pdf’s via a relative link. I can’t show what I was working on but I’ve recreated it with some public data. In arcmap, I have 4 USGS quad boundaries. I also have the corresponding quad […]

Decent typography in ArcMap is possible, a crucial elementĀ of that is formatting text efficiently. I’ll talk formatting tag usage and syntax, then provide some practical examples, and finish up with some type experiments in ArcMap – including using ArcMap to design a logo. The materials from my talk at the 2014 NACIS Annual Meeting can […]
Map Typography – Formatting Tags in ArcMap

Text formatting can be controlled through the use of formatting tags. The syntax is similar to html or xml tags. Formatting tags make controlling how your type appears much more efficient that using the graphical interface in ArcMap. Instead of going through multiple windos to set the character spacing for a piece of type, you […]
David Rumsey Map Collection Viewing

Recently, I had the opportunity to view much of David Rumsey’s map collection at his house in San Francisco. As an attendee of State of the Map, Open Street Map’s (OSM) annual conference, I was invited to this special viewing and couldn’t pass on the chance to meet David and also see and touch a […]