Hyperlinks to local docs – ArcMap and Google Earth

As you should know google earth pro is now free. Yesterday, I set up a kml with hyperlinks to local pdf’s via a relative link. I can’t show what I was working on but I’ve recreated it with some public data. In arcmap, I have 4 USGS quad boundaries. I also have the corresponding quad […]
Integrate Symbol and Label

This technique saves some space and brings a refined look to the symbology in your maps. Integrating a feature’s label into its symbol makes for a professional style that should impress your client. Begin by building a symbol that will accommodate a label. In this case, I have a single digit number, which is basically […]
Illuminated Point Symbology

This will be a quick one, I’ll overview how I created the glowing/heat effect on the GISP location points in my GISP map. The points represent cities where there is a GISP certification. These points also have an attribute for the number of GISP’s in that city but I will not be representing that information […]
Open an ArcMap [.ai] Export in Illustrator
![Open an ArcMap [.ai] Export in Illustrator Open an ArcMap [.ai] Export in Illustrator](https://www.bgcarto.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/ai-FI-150x150.jpg)
So you’ve read the last article, Some Tips on Map Layout & Exporting a Map to Illustrator and you set up a map layout in ArcMap with the intent to finish the cartographic design in Illustrator. Well there’s a few more things you should know about opening that file in Illustrator. I always rework the […]
Some Tips on Map Layout & Exporting a Map to Illustrator

If you’d like to finish a map with Adobe Illustrator, that you started in ArcMap, there are a few quirks and best practices you should know about when exporting that map from ArcMap. If you stick with these guidelines/tips, it will make your life a little easier when you get into the Illustrator workspace. First, […]